Victoria_Laine_Logo   WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions or suggestions! I’d love to hear from you about anything you’d like to share from your mind or heart. I appreciate getting your suggestions for recipes and health blog topics, as well as your requests for e-Courses, and new book ideas. If you’d like to learn about the process of becoming a private client, check out the Q&A box below and send us an note!

Contact Us!

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What can I achieve by working privately with Victoria?

Clients benefit in many ways by working with Victoria:

– A private 1:1 program can help keep you focused on your goal(s) and fast-track your success.

– Weekly appointments include applicable lessons that are translated into action, which creates positive, lasting change.

– A few examples of some of the lesson topics might include: macro-nutrients and how they relate to healthy weight and blood sugar balance or heart health, as well as the foods and nutrients needed for a healthy gut, or perhaps cancer prevention or chemotherapy eating.

– Lessons are customized to deal with your health challenges or prevention goals. If you need assistance with menu planning, making the best choices in the grocery store, or dealing with family challenges, Victoria has assisted countless individuals and families with delicious food success strategies!

How do appointments work?

How long are programs? The duration of your individualized programs are dependent on your needs. During your initial complementary 20-minute phone appointment, you will discuss your needs with Victoria and decide together which approach makes the most sense for you.

How long are appointments? Consultations are typically once a week (unless we decide otherwise) and typically take 40-50 minutes, except for the first appointment, which may be slightly longer. We can use Phone, Skype or Facetime, depending on your preference.

Between appointments? If you have questions between appointments please feel free to email or text. If you have an urgent question, indicate URGENT in the subject line. Victoria strives to get  back to you within 24-48 hours.

I don't have time to travel to regular appointments. Can I call or Skype in?

Yes, you sure can! In fact this is the way Victoria works with most of her clients now, saving them time and hassle.

How do phone or Skype appointments work? Regular short weekly appointments are advantageous in a number of ways.  It gives you the focus to implement step-by-step changes. It allows time for “bite-size” changes that become sustainable over the course of your program.

You can live anywhere in the world!  Victoria has worked with clients in Canada, USA, Mexico, Europe, Australia, and China!

You save time and fuel because you don’t have to make a weekly office trip!


How much does it cost to consult Victoria and is it covered by insurance?

Health Investment:

The first 20-minute consultation is completely free! The cost of your personalized program will be dependent on the length of the program.

Victoria Laine, C.H.N. is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. Fees are covered by some health plans, which can also discussed in the 20-minute initial consult.

Should I tell my doctor I'm working with a nutritonist?

Yes, letting your doctor know you are working with a nutritionist shows them you are taking responsibility for your well-being. Most doctors in Canada and the USA unfortunately do not get more than a few hours of nutrition classes in their training so are typically limited in their ability to guide their patients in food choices.

Certified Holistic Nutritionists are not doctors and do not diagnose or treat disease.
Nutritionists assess dietary deficiencies and excesses and recommend diet improvements to facilitate the bodies’ ability to normalize itself. If you are on medication or require testing you will be encouraged to collaborate with your health practitioner.

What about other practitioners? With a natural healing approach, you are encouraged, educated and supported to achieve optimal nutrition and other healthful habits. Using a holistic model, you may be recommended to other modalities of healing (masssage, accupuncture, etc) if you think it appropriate.