When I was 22 years old, I blew out my left knee. Over the next few years, the baseball injury led to two surgeries to replace the main ligament and repair torn cartilage, leaving me with a visible limp. I endured a lot of discomfort and pain.

During the treatment of another injury when I was 34, x-rays revealed I had severe arthritis throughout my body, in my hips, knees, spine, neck, elbows and wrists. “Your body is riddled with arthritis, the doctor reported, you’ll need pain medication prescriptions.”


A lifetime of medication with all the side affects they produce? There had to be another answer! It wasn’t the first time I’d declined pharmaceuticals in a quest for another solution.

By then I’d already implemented a weekly yoga class into my life and felt relief for at least a several hours after. Regular movement, I’ve learned, is a critical part of staying limber and reducing stiffness that can lead to imbalance and pain. Eventually I had the opportunity to take yoga teacher training which had the benefit of a regular practice which helped a lot, however I still experienced pain and found myself relying on ibuprofen more often that I was comfortable.

Due to digestive health challenges, I was spending a lot of time reading and learning about nutrition and herbs, which eventually led me to taking the diploma program to become a Holistic Nutritionist as well as several courses in herbal medicine.

Coming from a family of genetic odds toward arthritis and having been offered anti-inflammatory prescriptions in my mid-30’s, I was determined to keep moving toward the lifestyle that could keep my pain at bay.

Applying what I learned about foods, spices, and herbs into my daily meals, I experienced significant improvement in the stiffness, swelling, and pain. I knew it was making a difference! I was sold!!

For more than two decades, I’ve not only been able to keep myself free of pain from inflammation with food, I’ve also worked with clients and students who’ve been able to eliminate or significantly reduce their pain and suffering with the power of food!

That’s why I’ve developed the Plant Powered Anti-Inflammatory eProgram, which is all about learning to implement the most effective food and life-style choices, to reduce or eliminate pain and dis-ease caused by inflammation!

Find out more about the Plant Powered Anti-Inflammatory eProgram here!

Plant Powered Anti-Inflammatory eProgram

Plant Powered Anti-Inflammatory eProgram

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