Victoria’s Health Secrets Exposed!
This blog is intended to inform and inspire.
I hope you enjoy reading on a variety of health topics below. Please leave a comment with your questions or observations!
{Please Note – This blog is not a substitute for medical assistance.}

The Story of “How Auntie Rhubarb Got Her Name”
Most people bring flowers to the graveside at a funeral.
When my Great Aunt left us a few years back, my 30 year old daughter adorned her graveside with a bouquet of rhubarb! This is the story of how Auntie Rhubarb got her name.
Sunshine and love filled my Great Aunt’s vibrant back yard on that warm sunny day back
When Vegan is Unhealthy!
Some people don’t believe a vegan intake is healthy.
As a nutritionist who’s eaten vegan for over 20 years (and written a book called Real-Life Vegan) I’m definitely here to say that we have solid scientific and anecdotal evidence that it absolutely can be.
But it also – absolutely can not be.
When Gluten-free is Unhealthy!
The grocery aisles are brimming with gluten-free packages of everything from crackers and cookies to cereal, bread, and frozen foods.
This might seem like good news for more than 1% of the Canadian population who deal with celiac disease, and the other tens of thousands who suffer from (non-celiac) gluten intolerance, however they could be doing more harm than good to their health, without even realizing it.
Know Where to Get Dietary Fiber!
Where is the beneficial dietary fiber available in the human diet?
The Fiber Factor
Why is dietary fiber so important?
Meeting Rip Esselstyn in the Midst of Chaos!
It took many years to write and design Real-Life Vegan: The Big Book of Whole-food Success, and it’s taking years to launch it into the world. They say all good things take time, but my goodness me!
Unimaginable obstacles have been plentiful and overwhelming.
Stop Buying $7 Cauliflower if your Budget can’t Afford It!
Don’t buy $7 cauliflower and $5 organic cucumbers, especially in the winter when the price is inflated, if you can’t afford to.
Minimizing Food Wastage to Maximize your Food Budget
There is nothing my frugal mind reacts to more strongly than food being wasted. (I thank my parents for “there are kids starving so clean your plate before you leave this table” brainwashing.) And now that we’re (finally) having a national conversion about food wastage these tips may come in handy in your kitchen…
Top 3 Tips for Healthy Weight
Have you ever struggled with your weight? Most of us have at one time or another. For me, it was after the birth of my last child. Weight challenges from excessive over indulgences don’t happen in isolation. There are always deeper reasons why we get into...
Overcoming Inflammation – Victoria’s Story
When I was 22 years old, I blew out my left knee. Over the next few years, the baseball injury led to two surgeries to replace the main ligament and repair torn cartilage, leaving me with a visible limp. I endured a lot of discomfort and pain.
During the treatment of another injury when I was 34, x-rays revealed I had severe arthritis throughout my body, in my hips, knees, spine, neck, elbows and wrists. “Your body is riddled with arthritis, the doctor reported, you’ll need pain medication prescriptions.”
Health Bite: Ginger
Ginger has been a popular home remedy and traditional medicinal for centuries. Research has shown it to be an effective anti-nausea remedy for morning and motion sickness, and for patients taking chemotherapy. Ginger root is an effective...
Health Bite: Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts are one of the cruciferous vegetables, which are known to have anti-cancer properties. They are rich in both vitamin K, and vitamin C. Brussel Sprouts have a strong flavor and a hearty crunch when raw. They can be grated into...
Health Bite: Cilantro
CILANTRO is also known as coriander leaf and Chinese parsley. It contains many flavonoids including quercetin, shown to help allergy symptoms and to reduce inflammation. Research has shown cilantro to be effective in chelating (binding and...
Why I Eat Gluten-free: My Journey to Healing!
In 2001 most people hadn’t heard the word gluten, never mind seeing it plastered on everything from cereal boxes to shampoo bottles. That year, I experienced a life changing event.
Gluten-free Grains
Gluten-free Grains AMARANTH BUCKWHEAT CASSAVA CORN / CORNMEAL FONIO MILLET OATS (sometimes milled with gluten grains so needs to be ELISA tested to be celiac safe) QUINOA RICE SORGHUM TEFF Gluten-containing Grains WHEAT KHORASAN (Kumut) SPELT RYE BARLEY FARRO EINKORN...
Health Bite: Tempeh – A Versatile Meat Substitute!
Having lived outside of Canada, I have to say there are a few foods I’ve missed…maple syrup for sure! And tempeh! Temp-eh? you say… Yes – Tempeh. But not just any tempeh. My favorite “smoked” tempeh!
What’s the difference between whole-foods and those that aren’t?
The majority of calories in the North American diet come from refined and highly processed foods that are loaded with sodium, sugar and fat. Shifting the majority of your calories to whole- foods is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. So what exactly are “whole-foods”?
3 Steps to Sugar Addiction Recovery!
Do doughnuts, cookies, pastries, chocolate, and sweet beverages make you euphoric, as much or more than alcohol? Do you know how eating these alter your mood and contribute to depression and craving for more goodies, causing a vicious cycle? How would your life...
National Post Article – Health By Chocolate: radical new recipes & nutritional know-how!
Chris Zdeb, CanWest News Service, National Post, Thursday, November 22, 2007 Chocolate has come to be demonized as the key ingredient in sinful desserts such as devil’s food cake. But for 95% of its 3,000 year history, chocolate was considered a health food. In fact,...